Thursday, January 21, 2010

How can i make my fantasy book relatable to teenagers?

u know the success of harry potter and twilight is that bec it's fantasy but still people could relate to it and love relationships how can i do so???i've some good fantasy ideas...How can i make my fantasy book relatable to teenagers?
According to developmental psychology, there are many things that teenagers go through and addressing these issues will make the story more relatable. The biggest thing that adolescents go through is struggling with identity. The whole ';who am I?'; thing. That's why you'll see more identifiable cliques (eg: jocks, goths, nerds) in high schools than in the ';real'; world.

So if a character has to figure out who he is, what he likes in other people and his friends, and his place in the world, you can make your story relate more to your audience.

Of course, there are certian things that everyone likes, regardless of age. New love is always a great topic. There's a high that's associated with it, and everybody is intrigued by that.

How can i make my fantasy book relatable to teenagers?
Well, first you should use correct spelling. :P

Make the main characters teenagers, add a lot of angst and love, introduce male characters with dashing looks and a cool personality, make the female characters interesting but inferior to the males, add a villain, then a sage who will help the hero, then wrap it all up with a happy ending.

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