Saturday, January 23, 2010

Is there pear prussure in schools for teenagers to have sex?

Do they make fun if you are virgins.?

How teens cope with such pressure?

What should we do as parents?Is there pear prussure in schools for teenagers to have sex?
Yes, there is peer pressure to have sex...for some kids.

As parents, we should have already done what we can do well before they get into high school and experience that pressure. We should have made sure they understand sex, firstly. We should have given them a sense of what's right and wrong. We should have taught them how to make good decisions. We should have taught them about the value of self-respect. If kids have these skills, then they will make the right decisions for themselves.

There's not much we can do for them once they're more independent and are making these decisions on their own. What we can do at that point is make sure that they know they can safely talk to us and ask us for advice...if they want to. We should also make sure that if they don't want to talk to us, they know where they can go to talk to another adult, like a school counsellor or a trusted relative.

And then we sit back and hope that they use the skills we've tried to give them. And be supportive if they make a mistake.Is there pear prussure in schools for teenagers to have sex?
ok well im only a kid and i doubt any of what im going to say will help....but it in middle skool.....and theres not much peer pressure there....noone makes fun of me for being a virgin but probably becuz almost my whole grade dad is not strict at all but when it comes to this kinda stuff theres no telling what will happen.......hell do whatever he can to stop this if i was ever sexualy active or if i gave my virginity away at a young age......iv messed p my life at points and regret doing some stuff to but it all in the passed soooo i dont worry about.........if i were a parent i would let my kids do what they want in there life as far as that......and if the did it at a young age......then ok.....its there fault......and if they do the right thing and dont do then thats great.....i know it seems funny cuz im only a kid but oh well i helped
no your children should keep to their own values
Don't go blaming it all on the pears! They're tasty and good for you.
I dont know but i wish all the kids would sort their feckin spelling out. its awfull.

plus how can they be having sex if the are all on here asking stupid questions like '; theres this boy/girl in my class i like and she/he said this and i said that and someone else said something else and i said this back and he said blah blah blah blah blah';

Yahoo is flooded with them!!!!!!
As parents you have a serious responsibility. Its is probly one of the hardest jobs you will ever have. You must sit down an explain your position on sexual matters. Having a heart to heart talk and getting your kids view on the matter. Then tactfully yet firmly explain that you do not have to worry about anyone making fun of you or wanting you to have sex. Explain the other side of sex could lead to unwanted pregnancy and other STD diseases that might not go away. Being pure until marriage is one of the most beautifull things he/she can due.

Sex is overated. But sexual relation between two people who are emotionally mature and in love is something special. Tell your kids not to worry and they can stand tall because of their values. And down the road other areas like drugs and many other things people get into, will not be a problem because they sey NO NOW to peer pressure. Best Wishes. Never Give Up!!!
they never did in my school. it was barely a subject of discussion - or maybe i wasnt hanging with those sorts of people. either way, i was never pressured into sex - it's sad that others dont have the prescence of mind to do what is right for themselves, not what their friends think they should be doing.
yes there is a lot of peer pressure in schools for teenagers to have sex

they do make fun of you with name calling and things like that

as long as they ignore it and don't give in to it then they will be fine.

as a parent just explain in detail the consequences of having sex and the responsibilities it would put on them.
Yes all I hear about at school is sex.

But to be honest I just have a go back at them if I get called names for being a virgin.

There isn't much parents can do, this wasn't very helpful but yes there is peer pressure.

And I would like to say that I am a teenager and I can SPELL!! :@:@:@:@
I'm with victor on this - some of the people posting questions on here should learn to spell first. Some of the goobbledegook that passes for questions is horrendous.

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