Sunday, January 17, 2010

Exercises teenagers can do at home?

i want to lose weight but dont know what kind of exercises to do. please help?Exercises teenagers can do at home?
i do various things for example the obvious ones are pressups and sit ups. Pressups work shoulders, pecs, biceps, stomach etc, so they're great. Also you can increase the difficulty - incline pressups where you put your feet on your bed or a chair or something high with your hands on the floor, so the weight on your arms is increased. Also skipping is very good for losing weight. High intensity skipping for 5 or 6 minutes can burn fat incredibly, hence why boxers etc spend so much time doing it.Exercises teenagers can do at home?
Not to keep posting my website (sorry for the promotion y'all) but my site specializes in home and park workouts. You would have to tell me more for me to help more but some of these videos may be what you are looking for.

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