Sunday, January 17, 2010

Who thinks teenagers (middle school-aged) wear too much makeup?

I get makeup and all... I wear it too... but some people overdo it.. and they end up having so much foundation on.. that you can see the foundation on their face X PWho thinks teenagers (middle school-aged) wear too much makeup?

ive seen it so much and its DISGUSTING i agree wit u 100%!!!Who thinks teenagers (middle school-aged) wear too much makeup?
Yes I know! I am in high school now but I know what you mean. All the ';pretty girls'; might be really scary without makeup. And if you wear makeup all the time and then take it off people will probably make rude comments. I wear rarely any makeup. And when I do it is just maybe some foundation, and MAYBE some light mascara. :)

I am glad I do not wear a lot of makeup. Also some people are obsessed with it, and can't leave the house without it. Good luck!
honey when i was in the 6 the grade some of my peers wore so much makeup that you can tell where it stopped and ended and you could also tell that they had a mask on and when they took it off lord have mercy did they look like ghost. these girls were about 10 or 12 at the most wearing the whole deal. they wore more makeup than my mom did. you talk about some hoeish looking girls...............
oh makeup is fine. Foundation is also my problom!!!

I dont use foundation cuz i see other girls with soo much on its like another kayer of skin its nasty.

I dont mean to brag but i dont need it and people who dont need it shouldent use it cuz you look prettier with that stuff all over your face.

I mean if your gonna wear it at least know how to aplly it ... and how much to put!
I think that it really depends on where the school is. In some places, makeup isn't such a big deal until later, but in other places it's the sooner the better.

Me, I didn't start wearing makeup until this year, and I'm a freshman in high school.
I don't think so.

I went to a middle school, most of the girls wear lipgloss, and I wore eyeshadow and lipgloss.

But I have seen 13 year olds that went to the extreme limits. My mom said NO to makeup, until I'm 16 *sigh*.
the whole point of makeup is to enhance your appearance...not to look like you were just auditioning for a role of an oompa loompa in a charlie and the chocolate factory movie

people at my school are such cake faces

i mean i wear make up too but not that much

every chick at my school wears make up

like their going to perform on stage or something

and they look so over done and unatural
I'm shocked at what kids are caking on these days. I picked my niece up from middle school recently and it might as well have been a wild life rescue - raccoons everywhere!
Yeah I know! I say just a little mascara! That's what I wear and it's perfectly ok!
Wow those girls do .My daughter tried to when she was in middle school i showwed her how to apply it so it look nice. She thanked me
so many ppl in my grade go overboard with the sparkly eyeshadow+bronzer 7th grade btw
i do! it's disgusting.
Yes, most of them look like raccoons.

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