Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Why don't teenagers learn how to close their legs if they don't want to get pregnant?

the same reason adults don't learn how to shut their mouths when they don't want to say something stupid! Why don't teenagers learn how to close their legs if they don't want to get pregnant?
Do you know how many teenagers their are out their? Do you no how many are not pregnant? or how many are virgins? Do you think it is fair for somebody to be glared at by complete strangers in the supermarket becuase they happen to be near a infant or young child, just becuase of their age? Their are so many unfair stereotypes against teenagers. Adults should do the ';mature'; thing and not fuel the fire.Why don't teenagers learn how to close their legs if they don't want to get pregnant?
I think it has a lot to do with the fact that sex had become so common place in our society. Look for example at shows like The Hills, Gossip Girl, The Real World and any other teen drama, they show nothing but sex with out the consequences.

It also falls on the parents to instill in the girls to respect their bodies. Girls for some reason fell their worth is in between their legs when it comes to having a boyfriend.

Its not just teenagers that have unwanted or unexpected pregancies you know. its just the teenage population gets scrutinised much more heavily then any other age group. and didnt you have sex for the first time? you can use precuations but there not 100% effective. Thats like saying why do so many adults not work if they dont want to be poor.
Is this real? What is the longest you've gone without sex? Especially when someone is offering all the time? Sex feels good and sometimes it is dang hard to resist.

What I wonder though is why it never occurrs to anyone to buy a condom. I see them everywhere. Vending machines in gas station bathrooms. On shelves at almost every store. At pharmacies. The health department tried ot give me free ones.

A condom doesn't require a visit to the doctor, a prescription, or that you show ID. It can be bought literally anywhere sometimes for fifty cents. It not only prevents pregnancy but a number of STD's and gives you some peace of mind. I like them too. They make some... special ones with ';ribs';. Purr.

I just don't understand why such an easy fix seems to not be used by so many people. They literally walk by the answer every single day. Unless they have a latex allergy or something, I don't see what the objection is.
It has nothing to do with ones legs. Females don't impregnate themselves.

Not all teenagers are irresponsible. Personally, I went on the pill at age 17 and never became pregnant or contracted a venereal disease. Lots of teens do the same, or refrain from sex.

Don't blame the teens, blame the adults. Who advertise almost everything using sex (sex sells). Who set up the sex web sites? Who make and promote the music about sex? Who's making kids with so many mothers? Who is allowing the kids to have their own way and then later cannot control them? Do we talk to our kids?

The reality shows, The videos..it goes on and on...the kids were born into that..they see posters everwhere they turn...sex sex sex...I am 38, i am sorry it has reached such a state...but we can't blame them..teach them about conraceptive and other means of protection.
Because sex is fun.

...No, seriously, tho. No one should be having sex (regardless of the use of contraception) unless they're willing to handle the possible outcomes themselves and take all following responsibilties into their own hands with grace.

*pats her gigantic pregnant belly*
The same for adults.

Theres rape, date rape, all those things.Its not always the girls/boys fault.You need to mentine that.

Theres also a little thing called love that actually some, very few, but some teenagers actuall KNOW what love trully is.

And theres some who THINK their in love and do it.

But I mean, how is that any different from adults?
some r sluts! they r desperate to get a guy that they wud do nything for it! then there r the good ones who close their legs, cuz if a guy wanted her, he wudn't wait til she opened her legs! i think its lame how they dont do that! and yet they complain when they do get pregnant!
hey! guess what? half of us teenagers don't need to bother closing our legs and we don't get pregnant? u no why? BECAUSE WE'RE GUYS. duh duh dumbass.

why do adults make porno? cuz people like you can stare at it
That's not the right question. The question is if they're going to open their legs, why don't they use protection, and I'm not talking about condoms - birth control pills, because no one uses condoms anymore it seems.
the same could be said for many adults. I hate how people are always trying to make it seem like it's just teenagers.

for the record I am not a teenager and I was not a teen mother either.
In their minds, 1+1 doesn't = 2.

They like sex, and can't help it. Their train of thought isn't capable of comprehending the downsides; STDs, Pregnancy, and so on. And it isn't only teenagers.
because they feel an urge to do it. also i'll say peer presure, they think everyone is doing it! that's not true. so to fit in they do it as well, and the baby pops out.
Why dont teenage boys keep it in their pants?

It takes 2 to make a baby, just remember that before you spew out any more sexist rants please.
computer games are old school and orgasms keeps bored teenagers and adults entertained...
It's not just teenagers! Have you ever watched an episode of Maury?
there naive... stupid and horny...

In fact, I waited until yesterday for my first time.. at the embarrassing age of 19.. at least I was mature about it!
Why do people enjoy sticking their noses in other peoples' business?
Because they have hormones.
Hormones? hahah
They look at their mum and most likely follow them.
sex feels so so so so so good
it's easy to judge other people in situations that you haven't faced
Because no one cares enough to talk to them honestly about sex and the facts of life.

Could say the same for adults as well.
and youre still a virgin ?

I bet you suck some good dick since youre so judgemental
Adults do that too.
umm the real question should b why don't WE teenagers use protection! U NEED TO MIND UR OWN BUSINESS!!
wtff lol

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