Sunday, January 17, 2010

What is a good book for teenagers.?

I know some of you are going to say twilight but please dont I really am tired of hereing about those books. Please give me something other than those. I like books that have reality in them but also are fictional.. Like the Chonicals Of Vladimir Tod or something along those lines.. Please give me suggestions that you have read. I really want to find some good books to read this year for schoolWhat is a good book for teenagers.?
Misery- Stephen King

Author get kidnapped by a crazy fan and must find his way out

Carrie-Stephen King

girl who gets made fun of find out that she has telekensis and destorys the town

It -Stephen King

a killer clown lives in the sewers of a manie town and kills childern and 7 kids find out and try to kill it

Cujo-Stephen King

a 200 lb saint bernard get bit by a bat and goes rabid and attacks everyone

The grimm brothers fairy tales

examples are Cinderella Snow white little red riding hood

Alice in wonderland- lewis Caroll (really good)

her adventures in wonderland started when she followed a white rabbit down the rabbit hole

Needful things-Stephen King

a new shop keeper is in town and he has your favorite items just how much are you willing to pay for them

Interview with a vampire- Ann Rice( 100 times better than twilight and goes through many time periods ohh also she has a whole vampire series)

This one is kinda hard to explain its about a vampire that has an interview with a (human) new reporter about his life and it startes out in the south in like mid 1800 and ends in pairs like 150 years later and every thing that he went through

The Shining-Stephen King

All work and no play makes jack a dull boy

Pride and Prejudice- Jane Austin

Edger allen poe ( The Raven is the best)

Desperation-Stephen King

6 people have to end the rath of evil in a western town 100 miles from where jesus lost his sandles and things get very intese

Firestarter-Stephen King

about a little girl who, when she gets angry or very upset, can start fires

Christine-Stephen King

a kid buys a car he has always wanted and the car has always wanted him

Nightshift-Stephen King

Short story collection

Four past midnight-Stephen King

Short story collection

Sherlock homes

Hes a detactive

Dracula (the original)


Salems Lot- Stephen king

a town is over run with vampires and one man must stop it

Pet Sematary- Stephen King

When their cat dies, Jud takes Louis to an ancient Indian burial ground, and when they bury the cat there, it comes back to life

Romeo and Juliet- any thing by Shakespearer

to me first orginal love story

Jaws- Peter Benchley

Do i really have to explain that one

Peter Pan- J.M. Barrie

Not the one by diseny

A Tale of Two Cities- Charles Dickens

The Scarlet Letter- Nathaniel Hawthorne

A forbidden act of passion

The Strand case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde- Robert Louis Stevenson

Spilt people in one body ones a murder

To Kill a Mockingbird- Harper Lee

A black man was charged with raping a white girl

I have read every book on this list and they are all very good but by far Misery is the best!

hope that helpsWhat is a good book for teenagers.?
Personally, I LOVE books about drug addictions and teens going thru life you know?

Lastnight i finished this book, Tweak, by Nic Sheff and I felt so inspired by it. Its the most amazing book I've ever read !! Its about a guy that gets addicted to meth, heroin, and does different drugs. He went thru recovery and then he relapses, so it basically shows you his journey after his relapse.

Go Ask Alice- once again, great book, about a girl that gets mixed up with all the drugs.

Have you heard of the author Ellen Hopkins?

She has a book called Impulse about 3 teens in a mental hospital rehab type thing. Her other books, Crank and the sequel Glass, are about a teen girl who becomes addicted to meth and ends up having a baby. Brilliant books! And another of hers ive read is Burned, about a mormon girl who gets sent to live with her aunt and sorta learns to live life more.

Your probably thinking i'm super crazy telling you to read all these drug books, but their AMAZING !! (:
looking for alaska by john green

go ask alice

the outsiders by s.e. hinton

elsewhere by gabrielle zevin

all of ellen hopkins books

cut by patricia mccormick

speak by laurie halse anderson

13 reasons why by jay asher

speeding bullet by neil shusterman
Anything by these aurthors rock...

Barry Lyga (Hero Type is Great)

Magret Peterson Haddix ( Among the Hidden Series!!)

Alex Sanchez (Rainbow Boys, Kinda graphic but good)

A.M Jenkin (Night Road)

Ellen Hopkins (Crank, Glass, Impulse, all good)

Hugh Laurie ( The Gun Seller, His books are as good as his acting)

All great writers i like die for a while untill their books come out
hmmm, I'm thinking through some of my favourites on my bookshelf...

Wind on Fire Trilogy, by William Nicholson

The Ropemaker by Peter Dickinson. Heck, anything by Peter Dickinson...

Anything by Holly Black

The Demon's Lexicon by Sarah Rees Brennan (AMAZING)

Bartimaeus Trilogy, Jonathan Stroud

Black Magician's Trilogy, Trudi Canavan

All pretty mainsteam teen fantasy fiction stuff, but nevertheless, all good
Some books I would suggest are The Hunger Games, The Clique, Saving Zoe, Evermore, Remember Me, Kiss and Blog and Confessions of a Shopaholic. The one I would strongly suggest though is The Hunger Games it is amazing! I hope I was of help. :)
Well this book may be short but its called Scarlett by: kathy cassidy

it is a great book that I read in a snap and also the clique series is great! Hope I helped! :)
ok i hate twilight so lame! here are some good ones : Blood and Chocolate,and the dark angel
City of Bones, trilogy by Cassandra Clare- very good series, i highly recommend it
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