Sunday, January 17, 2010

What is with parents of teenagers?

How come sometimes they want their teenagers to act like mature little adults and sometimes they want them to stay their little babies forever? We can't do both, and we won't. Why don't they get that we need freedom as we grow up but we will still need out parents?What is with parents of teenagers?
Because most parents(let's be real) like being in control. They don't want to see you make your own decisions because they see it as you not needing them anymore. In these situations, it's often the parent that needs to ';grow up';. There are certain decisions that children cannot make for themselves, but others should be left up to the child.

Also, as a kid, the more mature you act, the more responsibility and freedom you'll get.What is with parents of teenagers?
Parents find it difficult to understand we all grow up sometime, and there are all sorts of different ways they show it!

My mum was ok with me and we have always had a great relationship. Spoke to her about everything from boys to clothes to sex.

On the other hand, when I was very young and all the way through my teens, at heart I definitely was daddy's girl-it was my ol' man had difficulty in accepting my growing up!

He wanted me to take responsiblilty without taking on too much. If you're their first child to hit your teens then this is as new to them as it is to you! My response to him-I sat down with him one afternoon after the football one Saturday and we spoke about all the stuff we needed to. turned out he wasn't sure how to approach me anymore-as a child or as an adult. I just said ';with a bit of both, dad.'; Did the trick....!
simple: You are still ';children'; and when given the opportunity to show responsibility, it is either taken advantage of or your actions will result in undesirable outcomes.

More on independence: We will try to guide you based on OUR past experience.....remember, most likely we have done what you are doing and have learned from that or KNOW the outcome of certain types of decisions. Parents are caught between letting you go and make your own mistakes because we KNOW you are not going to take our advice because ';we don't understand'; or ';don't know what we are talking about'; and taking your hand like a child and trying to regress you so you don't make stupid mistakes that may have life-long consequences!

Believe me--It's a tough job! I keep having de ja vue because I can remember my father saying the same exact things I say to my teenagers!

Just remember, there is alot that you can learn from your parents if you keep in mind that we probably have ';BEEN THERE AND DONE THAT!';
Put a sock on it. Cry me a fcuking river.
Because when they want us to grow up its usally when their mad at us and when they want us to be their babies forever is when were ';sweet';and';nice'; and parents do need to realize that we'll ask for their help when we need it other wise just stop treating us the way they do
Because you do-------it is one of those ';just beacuse'; things
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