Sunday, January 17, 2010

Do you think all able teenagers at the age of 17 should be put through Boot Camp for the military?

I believe that teens should be put in boot camp because teenagers today are usually to lazy , and it would stop and make them think about their futures.. Just a thought :PDo you think all able teenagers at the age of 17 should be put through Boot Camp for the military? old are you?

I'm asking because I don't know if you've been introduced to the teens of today. I have - I'm one of them; I'm 16. They look surprisingly like the teens of yesterday, and a decade ago, and a century ago, and, let's face it, every time an older generation has predicted doom and gloom, and then watched those teenagers competently grow up to take their places and continue the cycle.

I've met teenagers today. I've met teenagers, my age or younger, who would absolutely awe you - who are accomplished, motivated, intelligent, talented, and caring. I've met teenagers who've made incredible differences on small and large scales. I've talked with teenagers with minds that I swear rival many of today's great thinkers. These teens don't need to think about their futures - they are already living them.

I've met teenagers who are ';to [sic] lazy'; as well. Some of them will grow out of it. Some of them won't, and will grow up to post questions like this on Yahoo!Answers.

Also, your proposition would not only be illegal in the United States (as well as most other first-world countries), but it would be extremely impractical in almost every way, be it financially or practically.

In conclusion, no, I don't think so.


a)I'll take your complaints about laziness more seriously when you're not spending your time posting to an internet site as this.

b)You know several lazy teens? I know plenty of lazy adults, and they don't even have the excuse that they're just going through a stage. The point being: today's teenagers are no worse than anyone else.

c)Several studies have showed that military/bootcamp type programs are incredibly ineffective in that almost all participants revert to their prior behavior after leaving.

d)You admit that some kids don't need to go to bootcamp. Let's take the ones that you say do. Do you really want to teach them how to be more effectively violent?

e)No, I still don't think it's a good idea.Do you think all able teenagers at the age of 17 should be put through Boot Camp for the military?
I have a lazy 15 yr old with attitude 31 yr old that was on drugs for 15 yrs. then I have a 17 yr old doing an apprenticeship with all the drugs around and other influences all kids at the age of 16 if they haven't decided to take there life's in hand should be put into the army for 2 yrs

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and it should be compulsory unless they've started a career or go onto year 11 with the grades to show there serious about there life I'm sure my 31 yr old would have had a better life today if this had happened I love all my kids very much and all any mother wants is for her children to be happy

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with there life's and succeed and be able to look after themselves once they've gone you have to be a parent of many years to be able to answer this question not a teenager that's has got his or her head together and I've only got time to answer a question like this cos I've deserved a rest

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after doing what I'm suppose to do and earned the time to take it easy not being lazy at 16 you think you know everything but when your 53 you know you don't and never will still looking for answers.

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