Sunday, January 17, 2010

Teenagers: Do you think you are a shame on your family and to yourself for getting pregnant?

yes. it would show that i didn't consider the consequences of my actions, and that i was stupid enough to get pregnant!Teenagers: Do you think you are a shame on your family and to yourself for getting pregnant?
I have never been pregnant (thank god because im only 13) but I dont think their would or should be shame on anyone. Everyone makes mistakes we're only human.Teenagers: Do you think you are a shame on your family and to yourself for getting pregnant?
No, My family was upset but was not ashamed and neither was I. I will never be ashamed of my baby because I loved her from the moment I knew I was pregnant. My mother and father was so proud to know that I wasn't going to have an abortion. They never asked me to either. Having my baby changed all of our lives. Good thing I was done with high school and was on my way to college and to this day my parents still support me for making the right choice. My baby father and I have gotten married and now we both have amazing careers and a wonderful life.
Nope not at all. My family and I love my children and don't have a single regret. I'm married and happy so who cares as long as tax payers aren't paying for the choices I've made! =)
If i got a chick knocked up, id be ashamed of myself and for the shitty life my baby will most likely have.
i was 19 when i got prego with my first and i thought my parents would be disappointed cuz they didnt like my boyfriend but i didnt worry too much about it cuz i was happy and i simply told them they should be too. (after all, i lived on my own, had a good job, paid my own bills, etc..and i was actually ready to have a baby, it wasn't a 'mistake') almost 3 1/2 years later, we are still together and having our second in April!
im 19 but never got pregnant as a teen but i think if my family would have felt that way i would have told them then they have no right to see my child i don't a child as a bad thing

and i knew when i had sex that i could have got pregnant so i wouldn't have felt shame for myself i understand alot of parents don't want their child to get pregnant or father a child but its only cuz they want them to be a kid b4 they have kids

i know for myself now i wouldn't want to tell my mom i was pregnant cuz she thinks im still to young but i won't be upset at all to tell her
no, my family is very excited, i am 17 and pregnant, my grandma had a baby on her 17th birthday, and she went on to be a school teacher, and raised 6 kids, so not every teenage mother does nothing with there lives.
ABSOLUTLY NOT!!! im 16 and 4 months pregnant....

my boyfriend and i were trying....

and my whole family is extremely excited!!!

this is such a rediculous question!!!

most teen pregnancys are an accident and girl are already stressed and worried about it... they dont need people

like you putting more garbage in there head than society

has already done.........

im not ashamed... but you should be!!!
I cannot beleive the ignorence of this question! I am nineteen years old so yes i am still classed as a teen. My partner (also 19) and I are expecting our daughter in a weeks time and cant wait to embark on parenthood. We have a nice home, we both have good careers and are in a great financial state to supoort our daughter and provide for her and no our family are not ';ashamed'; of us and were not ashamed of ourselves for that matter either !! Our families are so happy for us and excited to meet the new addition to our family.

We did not however decide to get pregnant but our chosen method of contraception (the depo injection) failed us after a year and a half of having no problems with it whatsoever. No contraception is ever 100% and once a girl reaches the age of consent it is up to her to have sexual relationships with who she wants and if her method of contraception fails her who are you to judge ? The same situation happens to thousands of women worldwide of ALL ages!

I think its a shame for children to be getting pregnant at the age of 13 14 15 etc but at the end of the day they are still kids themselves your question is insulting these poor children ! Who is to blame ? I will tell you who ... maybe sex education should be more informative maybe condoms and birth control should be made more available and maybe just maybe parents should be a little more honest about the bird's and the bee's! The amount of teenage pregnancies is rising ...true but for gods sake these kids, half of them dont even realise sex leads to children! They need their parents support and their educational system to be more open about these issues from an early age not women like you asking them if theyre are ashamed of themselves who the hell are you to judge !!??

I find your coments very insulting as a young mother to be, you dont know me and you dont know every single teenage girl to fall pregnant so how can you judge them. If anything they are brave for going through something so life changing, and in many cases they face this alone due to the dads leaving and not wanting to face the responsiblity that comes with a child, and even theyre families sometimes disown them ...

At least they are not queing up in clinincs having abortions !!!
Ah yeah.
Wow, interesting question. I was a teen parent. I know there are many people that feel ashamed (both teen parents and their parents) when a teen becomes pregnant. I understand where they are coming from. But you have to realize, a lot of teens are doing the same things and not getting caught. Are the teens that aren't getting caught not shameful? I know they should have been responsible and used BC or their parents should have been more on and so on. Well mistakes happen people!

I don't think its the teen getting pregnant that is shameful to a family. I think its what happens next that determines if their is shame brought to the family. Does the family freak out and beat the girl, kick her out, disown her? Do they support her, get her help, help her to raise her child or help her to make the best decisions for her and the child. I think that's it.

I was 15 when I had my son. I was lost and I am sure it was pure hell for my family. I know it was for me! But we stuck together. My parents let me decide to keep my son. They helped me as much as they could and helped teach me to be a great mother. I have been working for the last 10 years, since I had him. I have a wonderful husband (his father) a great job, I am in school right now for my RN, a house and my husband and I are the sole providers to our two children. Now what is the shame in having a child, working your *** off to give everything to that child, providing for him, teaching him, caring for him, loving him, and fufilling all his needs?

I in no way encouage, endorse teen pregnancy, but when it happens its too late. its all about what you do next that determines if there is shame involved.

Star for you BTW. very interesting me going! :)
You can't get married when you a teenager. DUHH.
i have never been pregnant and dont look to be but no i wouldnt if it was to happen but i agree its not very polite to mention that!
They shouldn't and shame on you for suggesting it.
I was a teen Mom (19) and initially I WAS a terrible shame to my family- but raising my son into the wonderful 9 yo he now is, getting a college degree, remarrying a GOOD guy, buying a house- I was a shame at first, now they are EXTREMELY proud of me and all I've accomplished despite my hurdles.
Despite what my father shouted at me, I don't think that I'm a shame on my family for this. I made a mistake, I did not kill someone or anything like that, I do not see why they should be ashamed of me. So I am having a child young, I understand it's a huge responsibility, but I never believed in waiting until marriage for sex anyway.
yes i what to kill myself.
no. i don't think i did.
yes they were disappointed and embarrassed at the time i got pregnant, age 15. but when i had my son at 16 they loved him so much that they forgot about all the embarrassment. i am now 24, graduated with honors, bought a home , married a wonderful man and have a 3 month old baby and to this day they have have never actually told me this but i could tell by their actions that they were ashamed. but i know they feel differantly now!!
not at all
I would be alittle ashamed because its something I said I wouldn't do until I was married. But I would also be happy, I've been with my boyfriend for over 2 years and we plan on getting married, so having his baby wouldn't be the end of the world, he has a really good job, so money wouldn't be a big issue. And my family would get over it, then would be happy.
Not at all I think Its great. teen moms are hot and teen dads are sexy

I liek teen parents. I went to a hs for preg teens.

I think it brings honor to the fam to continue the bloodline

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