Sunday, May 9, 2010

If Sarah is a christian, why did she allow teenagers to fornicate?

Because she's a hypocrite and a phony. If Sarah is a christian, why did she allow teenagers to fornicate?
She probably did not ';allow'; it but did nothing to protect her daughter (birth control, education) to learn how to be an adult.

Also, I am unconvinced that Palin is a Christian. I can find no evidence in the Bible to support her radical, extremist views. She was born a Roman Catholic and spent 30 years in the AOG. She then joins a ';local'; church. Local as in no set beliefs, secessionist, radicalized right wing nuts?

Palin has lots of things to answer for - she needs to answer quickly.

Obama 2008If Sarah is a christian, why did she allow teenagers to fornicate?
Wow, that is a non sequitur if there ever was one. It also denotes that you were never a parent.

What does being a Christian have to do with teenager's acting impulsive?

Did you always do as your parents, teachers, clergy taught you to do? Could your parents compell you to do anything when you were seventeen? Children do stupid things and if they are lucky they live with the results of their silliness.

To those that think Ms Palin is a hypocrite --- proof would be nice. What would you have done if your child did something stupid and against your established standards of behavior?

Why does the impulsive actions of a teenager concern you so?
Like most members of the so-called Christian Right, she's a hypocrite. These people take the Bible and pervert it to serve their own racist, hate mongering, warmongering tendencies, just as Muslim extremist terrorists take the Koran and pervert its meaning to serve their own murderous purposes.
I'm a Obama supporter but I don't feel as if Paulin should be blamed for her child's decision. Her child made the choice to have a baby and as a mother Paulin stood by her side in making this decision. She didn't let her take the easy way out by abortion or adoption. But instead is letting her daughter learn some true responsibility. I also feel her children's lives have nothing to do with why she's running for VP and should remain that way!!!!
Hey - You already know the answer to that one. Parents can only guide the kids, then lead by example.

The kid made a mistake that she and her offspring will have to deal with the rest of their lives.

I regret when I see politics waged against the candidate's families, but it happens. For some reason, GOP found the situation workable to select Gov Palin on her qualifications (or lack thereof).

Both parties have turned this election into a circus, that hopefully, the voters will soon put an end to soon - one way or another.

That's well-worth a prayer for deliverance,

Will in IL
Bc Palin (in my opinion) is an idiot.

She does not know what right to privacy means.

She has been known to mix religion and govt.

Also, she does not support a women's right to choose. She is Pro-Life in ALL situations. Even when the case involves under age girls, rape and/or incest. She thinks that the women should STILL have that matter what the cost.

She is ok with brining more un wanted babies into this world.

Sometimes children do not live up to the trust their parents have to give them. Few people join their 17 year olds on their dates. What will you do if you have a daughter? I don't think they make chastity belts anymore. Will you just prevent her from dating until she is 30 and then arrange her marriage? I don't understand your outlook on life.
You're obviously not a parent or you would know, you do not ALLOW a teenager; nor can you PREVENT a teenager, from having sex if they choose to do so, whether you are a Christian or not.

Oh, my.....are you in for a rude awakening whenever you DO have children.
Better yet, if shes a christian why is she giving praise to Joes six packs. Christians do not condone drinking. IF she's a christian why is she judging Obama. Christians are not allowed to judge Other people. Shes not a real christian, she is a pretender just like a pretend vp!
You can obviously use a computer (or this question wouldn't be here), which means you should also probably be smart enough to know how stupid your question is. So, the real question is, why are you an internet troll? Why don't you have anything of value to contribute?
This question will not help BOSCO when 75 to 80% of black children are born out of wedlock and to teenage children. Yet if you listen to the ';fire %26amp; brimstone'; black preachers on TV and radio using your reasoning the entire black community would be virgins.
I don't know, but she also paints her face with quite a bit of makeup, especially lipstick. Lipstick is painted on the lips to simulate the effect of a lip-flush seen on a human face during sexual arousal.
It is obvious you have no teenagers. Parental control starts to end at about age 13. How do you control every action of another person? If you could it would be called communism or even worse terrorism.
I dont like Sarah Palin but we should lay of the kids. If her daughter wants to do anything you disagree with in her own personal life, then its not your business...Say all the rotten things you want about Sarah baby...that is cool.

I don't know that she ';allowed'; it, teenagers will always find a way to fornicate despite their parents advice or objections.
Sarah was pregnant when she eloped so why don't you ask her about premarial sex and leave her daughter out of it. Either way it shows a lack of good family values which she tries to claim.
You win the dumb question of the century! Tell me ANYONE who has ever been able to stop teenagers from screwing if they really want to?

Carlos R- whata dumbass! Jesus drank wine.
Ahhhh good one. That's because she's a freaky fundy Christian. THEY are all a bunch of hypocrates. you see?
Palin's religion and family have nothing to do with the election or her ability (or lack thereof) to serve.

What was she supposed to do...put a chastity belt on her?....You can only do so make mistakes....all you can do is try and guide them and hope you get lucky
typical right wing holy roller TV Evangelist


ha h ah ah ha hah ah ahha
Kids have sex, with or without their parent's permission. Christianity has nothing to do with it
Because she is a hypo-christian (hypocritical Christian).
teenagers are going to do what they want you cant watch them 24/7 i doubt she told her to do that so give me a break
That's like asking why Obama's parents 'allowed' him to use drugs.
Anybody who thinks that a teenager can be controlled is delusional.
Like mother like daughter, it's the trailer trash way.
its kinda hard to monitor your kids 24-7. unless you keep them in your sites all of the time.
because she's too busy trying to strengthen her career than pay attention to her children.
she has just as little control over her teen age daughter as you and me.

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