Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What percentage of american teenagers go to church?

do these people generally practice abstinence from pre-marital sex?What percentage of american teenagers go to church?
88% of True Love Waits signers have premarital sex anyway. This means that Christians have more unity on actually having premarital sex than on almost any other religious issue.

Although I agree with religious conservatives who want to challenge the youth to delay sexual activity for a while, I totally disagree with their message that a condom is a provision for sin. I send my Christian friends to the website below which debunks the whole thing against premarital sex in the Bible. That way they have no excuse not to support comprehensive sex education.What percentage of american teenagers go to church?
When you get a certain age your parents can't force you to go to church like they did when you were younger and they easily get influenced/pressured by their peers and media. So less than half teens go to church and practice abstinence.
Too many.. and no that's very unhealthy

I would say a much lower percentage than earlier generations which is probably one of the main reasons why morality in the once great nation has all but been lost.
a whole tone who are sucked in to creation

14% i'm sure!

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