Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Why should teenagers care about heart attacks and strokes?

Anyone can have one it doesn't matter about your age.Why should teenagers care about heart attacks and strokes?
Well most teenagers eat fast food a lot, and it is important for them to understand that if they constinuously eat like this it could lead to a heart attack or stroke.

Also, it could be helpful for them to know if a family member or anyone else is experiencing a heart attack or stroke, and if that teenager can tell what is happening from their symptoms, they can help that person.Why should teenagers care about heart attacks and strokes?

A lot of teenagers smoke which obviously is bad for your heart and other organs. Also when you grow up there is a much more bigger risk of having heart attacks and strokes because your body gets used to the rubbish your putting into your body.

Hope this helps.
it's never too early, since most teenagers nowadays eat more high fat foods and not exercising enough, their risk of heart attacks starts younger, even in their 20s, so just because you're young, you still need to be thinking about your future health.
Stroke and heart attack prevention starts early. The habits teenagers acquire can dramatically change their quality of life later on. Plus, it is good to know the signs of a heart attack and stroke so they can aide other people who may have one.
You can get a stroke at any age not just teenagers due to stress that's why you have to think about it not necessarily worry about it.
People they know can get it. Also, if they're informed, they can prevent it from happening later in life. Teenagers can also get heat strokes.
They shouldn't be worried about that. There are much more likely ways to die and if they start worrying about every little thing that could happen they will become incredibly paranoid.
Be...cause... heart attacks and strokes can kill you. And teens CAN get them. (Kid at my school died of a heart failure.)

I figured it was obvious.
cause todays teenagers are fat phucks
because it can happen to you.

*Had a stroke at 19 due to stress*
they do??

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